STLS Program Resources

Did you know that STLS loans out various resources to assist you with conducting programs within your library? Some of the items currently available include button makers (both 1 3/4 and 2 1/2 in), Ozobots (small programmable robots that encourage the development of basic coding skills) and a 3D printer.

One of the newest editions to our list of resources is Minecraft Education Edition. Minecraft is an open world game (a video game in which players move freely within a virtual world). It promotes creativity, collaboration and the development of problem-solving skills. Member libraries can make use of the program via the STLS laptop lab or on the library’s own equipment (Note: Equipment must be running Windows 10 or Mac OS). More information on Minecraft Education Edition is available at

For more information on how to make use of STLS Program Resources within your library, contact Al Oliveras ( or Lorie Brown (