Discourse Among Directors and the Directors Advisory Council

By Brian M. Hildreth, Executive Director – Southern Tier Library System, Friday, June 5th, 2015

Directors Advisory Council representatives and library directors meet to discuss ILS policies and System services. March 26, 2015 at Dorman Library in Bath (Steuben County).

Bylaws for Directors Advisory Council – Approved December 2014 [http://files.ctctcdn.com/21aee274201/a5076869-d29f-46c2-9dd7-60a150c6c8e1.pdf]

DAC Representatives for Southern Tier Member Libraries [http://files.ctctcdn.com/21aee274201/c1d784fb-2937-470d-8f44-9227ca13e68e.pdf]

This week I have limited my Friday Follow-Up message to library directors. I enjoy
connecting with our membership regularly. This includes all people within STLS…
directors, staff, board members, volunteers, friends and patrons. However, I feel
it is important today’s message is shared with the individuals who continually think
about and shape ILS (Workflows & STARCat) policies.

In December of 2014, the Directors Advisory Council (DAC) became an independent
organization within the Southern Tier Library System. STLS (the organization) supported
this independence because it empowered member libraries to freely discuss and recommend
policy development specific to the System’s ILS (Workflows and STARCat). Library
directors who serve as representatives on the DAC embraced this independence by
adopting formal Bylaws.

The DAC was established in 2009 as a mechanism to improve STLS services to member
libraries. The purpose of the Directors Advisory Council is “to provide member libraries
with an opportunity to participate in the development of STLS services that are
reflective of both New York State requirements and of local needs. The Council addresses
matters raised by the Director or by representatives of the libraries. The Directors’
Advisory Council may advise concerning procedures affecting services to libraries,
and may make recommendations to the Southern Tier Library System Board of Trustees
concerning issues of system policy.”

Prior to the adoption of DAC’s Bylaws, STLS (the organization) set the agenda for
meetings, and facilitated discussion. The Bylaws passed in December of 2014 removed
this responsibility from STLS, and placed it upon the library directors who represent
our member libraries. As STLS Executive Director, and with the support of STLS Trustees,
we felt this change was necessary to enable the DAC to represent the best interests
of member libraries. Member library directors were informed of this change through
current DAC representatives.

At the most recent meeting of the DAC, member library representatives discussed
the standardization of certain ILS-specific policies. By now, most of you have reviewed
these proposed changes, or have shared comments through the Directors Email Listserv
(directors@stls.org [mailto:directors@stls.org]). The conversation has been lively
since information became available this past Monday.

The next meeting of the DAC will take place on July 29th at Hammondsport Library.
I hope all member libraries will chime-in on these discussions, or communicate your
opinions prior with DAC representatives. It is important all member libraries regardless
of size or budget are heard.

The change in the DAC’s structure is a positive thing for our member libraries.
The adoption of formal Bylaws should have been done in 2009 when the Director Advisory
Council was established. Southern Tier Library System (the organization) should
never set or determine ILS policy unless there is just cause. The ILS is owned by
member libraries through Cost Share contributions. STLS merely provides administrative

More importantly, Southern Tier Library System (all 48 library outlets) is a cooperative
library system. Our formal existence is meant to be communal, collaborative and
united. Southern Tier Library System (the organization) is here to serve its members
for the betterment of public libraries and the enrichment of our communities. We
support what our member libraries will mutually agree upon.

The discourse taking place on the Directors Email Listserv is symbolic of what a
cooperative library system and public libraries stand for. Moving STLS (all 48
library outlets) forward cannot be achieved without a mechanism for debate or consensus.
STLS (the organization) is confident our members will come to a decision through
the Directors Advisory Council that helps libraries better serve our communities.
STLS (the organization) supports the ultimate decision of its members.

If you have any questions, please contact your DAC Representative. A list of representatives
and their contact information is attached.

You are more than welcome to share this message with your board members, or other
key stakeholders in your library. I just felt this topic of discussion was of most
interest to library directors.

I thank all of my fellow directors for your continued support and efforts. I am
here to help in anyway possible.

Kindest Regards,

Brian M. Hildreth, Executive Director
Southern Tier Library System

Follow me on Twitter: @comlibpartner