The Friday Follow-up: Advocacy Secures $224,900 for STLS Region

Friday Follow-up:
a weekly message from Brian M. Hildreth, STLS Executive Director
Advocacy Secures $224,900 for STLS Region  
A spring field trip to meet with Senator O’Mara and Assembly member Phil Palmesano resulted in $3,500 for each chartered library in Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben and Yates counties.

I was once told by a colleague that advocacy doesn’t matter. I believe the words she used were, “Why go to Albany. Our efforts haven’t been successful in the past, and the future will produce similar results.”


I was a new director when I heard this statement. I hadn’t developed a budget yet, written a grant proposal or even managed a small construction project. You can only imagine the impression this remark from an experienced director had on me. Aren’t seasoned librarians supposed to be role models?


I didn’t want to hear it. One of the first things taught in library school is that libraries exist to encourage a participatory society. This “Why go to Albany” attitude is like discouraging low literacy patrons from using the library. “Why try to improve your reading skills? You weren’t successful in the past!”


Fortunately, I have a mind of my own. Advocacy does matter. And quite frankly it is a significant lifeline to both the library system and our member libraries. Predetermined resources will go elsewhere if we don’t talk to key stakeholders about libraries.


Diehard Allegany County library advocates “met me in Olean to speak with the Senator”. Senator Catharine Young provided $8,700 in Bullet Aid to each chartered library in her district last week. Thanks for “following through” Allegany County.


Last week, STLS member libraries secured a combined $224,900 in New York State Bullet Aid. Senator O’Mara who represents Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben and Yates counties allocated $3,500 to each charted library in his district. This represents a total of $77,000 for 22 STLS member libraries.


Senator Catharine Young also allocated Bullet Aid to chartered libraries in her district. Allegany County libraries will each receive $8,700, which represents $147,900 in total funds. These monies are to be earmarked for special library projects at the discretion of the trustees and directors.


I know directors and trustees can hesitate to visit our elected officials. You get the phone call or email from STLS asking for your participation… “Let’s get on the bus to Albany, or meet me in Olean to speak with the Senator.” You hesitate when the call comes because you have a million other things to do. I get it. I have been on the receiving end of that call plenty of times. But libraries will have victories, so I always followed through.


Thank you to everyone who followed through on my emails and phone calls this past spring. Our coordinated visits to both Senate representatives were a great success. STLS is always happy to serve as an advocate for our member libraries. And your support matters.


Bullet Aid should arrive at member libraries this fall. Before you determine how to spend these funds, please take a moment to email…
Senator Thomas O’Mara ( or
Senator Catharine Young (


Their library mindfulness is highly valued, and they remember when libraries show appreciation.


Have a great weekend, STLS.


Kindest Regards,

Brian Hildreth, Executive Director
Southern Tier Library System

Follow me on Twitter: @comlibpartner
Read past Friday Follow-ups: